Life in Jerusalem is very intense and those of us who live here find the need to escape the pressures from time to time. Last weekend I decided to do just that and set off in my little car for Maktesh Ramon in the Negev Desert. As I left the lush pine and cedar forests of Jerusalem, passed through the rolling steppes north of Beersheva, at this time of year green from the crops of winter wheat that flourish there, and then travelled on southwards into the true desert I was reminded of another trip I made years ago. On that occasion I visited a friend in Eilat and as I left her she prayed that the Lord would give me some revelation as I journeyed north. I was a bit skeptical when she prayed in that way, and I don't know what prompted her to do so, but as I travelled I did indeed receive a revelation. As I travelled northwards I was powerfully struck by the way the summer sere, brown desert quite suddenly gave way to the outskirts of Tel Aviv. I had not realized before just how close the desert was to the very heartland of Israel, and how tenuous is our existence here.
If you look at a satellite image of the Earth you will see the great Saharan Desert stretching across North Africa blending into Arabian Desert to the east. Right on the edge of this huge band of desert lies tiny Israel. If the desert were to move just a few kilometers further north Israel would be engulfed. We are truly living on the edge.
Have you ever wondered why God chose this Land for the Israelite people? Why didn't he take Abraham further north into bounteous, well-watered Europe? Why did they have to live here where broiling summer temperatures bake the land for 8 months of the year giving way to cold, wet winters only briefly. Why did they have to scratch out a few acres of powdery soil from among the stones just to grow a few grains of wheat?
When God came down to rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, he promised to bring them out to a spacious land flowing with milk and honey.
And the Lord said: “I have surely seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows. 8 So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and large land, to a land flowing with milk and honey...
Exodus 3: 7-8
Surely, after wandering 40 years in the howling wastes of the Sinai and Negev, the land we now call Israel must have looked like paradise, green and lush in comparison the desert lands. Yet the phrase 'milk and honey' does not refer to well-watered fertile soils but rather to marginal lands suitable only for the grazing of cattle (milk) in pastures of wildflowers (honey).
Meadowland in the Judean Hills in spring |
So why did God bring us here, to a place where life is hard and tenuous? Do we not all wonder at times why our lives are so difficult? I do not have the whole answer but I can see at least part of the answer exemplified in the modern miracle of Israel. Difficulty is the mother of invention. Against all the odds, an arid marginal land with few natural resources, constant war and terror, Israel today is a successful modern nation which leads the world in many technological innovations, such as water engineering for irrigation and recycling, and the construction of desalination plants. Israel is also second only to the USA, and fast overtaking it, in the development of new hi-tech applications, computer software and medical apparatus. We have exported these technologies all over the world blessing many people - just as God promised Abraham our father so long ago:
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Genesis 12: 3
In our housegroup we have lately been studying the book of Hebrews and one of the recurring themes is that of the need for perseverance.
And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, saying, “Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.”[
And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.
Hebrews 6: 11-15
In the letters to the seven churches, in the book of Revelation, it is 'he who overcomes ... to the end' who will receive the prize (Revelation 2 and 3). One day last weekend when I was down in the desert I went on a solo hike. At one point I found myself in a narrow ravine picking my way through huge fallen boulders, with others just waiting to fall teetering above my head. It felt very threatening and I almost gave in to my fear and turned back, but then I saw ahead of me something I took to be the caves marked on my map, which indicated I was nearing the end of that section of the hike. That gave me the courage to keep on walking and soon I found myself out of that dangerous section and into a beautifully eroded chasm of white limestone worn smooth into beautiful swirling shapes. There I also found the caves I sought, and I had an amazing encounter with a flock of Arabian babblers ( a kind of bird), and got some wonderful photos. Had I given into my fear I would have missed that amazing experience, and not only that, I would have been left with the bitter taste of failure in my mouth. Instead I finished my hike with a warm glow of accomplishment and great pleasure.
Fallen rocks |
The limestone chasm |
Hardship builds strength of character and makes us tough and strong. We often fear it but we should not. God allows it into our lives to make us into better people. I find those who have suffered little in their lives shallow and often not very empathetic towards others. On the other hand I have a number of friends who have gone through, and are still going through, great traumas in their lives and they exhibit a tremendous depth of compassion, understanding of others, and strong faith. These are the overcomers. So too the nation of Israel, which has suffered many such traumas, and still does, but I find here in her midst great faith, great strength and great hope. We can find encouragement to go on even in the midst of the 'valley of the shadow of death' by contemplating these things. It has been my experience too that God will often send us some signpost of encouragement along the way, just when we most need it.
Some of the things the nation is going through right now threaten to tear her apart. Last month an IDF soldier Sgt. Azor Azaria was convicted for manslaughter because he shot and killed an already neutralized (wounded) Palestinian terrorist, who had stabbed and wounded another soldier. This has been a very controversial court case as many believe our soldiers should have our unequivocal support since they daily put their lives on line for us all. It is also feared that this verdict might cause other soldiers to hesitate before shooting terrorists and this could cost lives. On the other hand many think it is important that we maintain the moral quality of our army and soldiers that disobey standing orders, and commit immoral and illegal acts should be punished. Azaria is due to be sentenced later this month. Whatever your position this case demonstrates the moral and ethical standards maintained by the Israeli army and our courts.
This week the Jewish settlement of Amona in the Benjamin Region of the West Bank, near Ramallah, was evacuated after the High Court ruled that this settlement built on privately owned Palestinian land was illegal. This settlement was established in 1995 and was the home of some 50 families numbering around 200 people.
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Amona By יעקב - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, |
Some see this evacuation as a victory for the Palestinians but, just hours before, the government had approved the building of some 3000 new housing units in the West Bank Jewish settlements, bringing the total approved to 6000 since US President Trump was inaugurated. Today right wing, Education Minister, Naftali Bennet claimed that the Amona evacuation will eventually lead to the annexation of the West Bank. On Monday new legislation will go to a final vote in the Knesset (Israel's Parliament) which will end the court-led actions in the West Bank and "retroactively legalize some 4,000 settler homes built on what the courts have ruled is private Palestinian property in Area C of the West Bank".
There is growing distance between the extreme right and left wings of Israeli society. Alarmed by the increasing boldness of the extreme right following Trumps appointment, left wing activists are becoming more vocal. Last night there was a march and a rally of around 4000 people in Tel Aviv. Protestors, "including Jews and Arabs, called for an end to incitement and racism" and for “Jews and Arabs to cease being enemies.”,7340,L-4917537,00.html
Another issue that is hitting the headlines here is the possibility that Trump will bring the American Embassy to Jerusalem, as he has promised. I don't think anyone can foresee the implications of such a move, but for sure it will ignite passions among both Jews and Arabs, not to mention the international community.
As you can see there are many things 'on the boil' here and any one of them could 'overflow the pot' at any moment. It is hard to know how to pray for these matters. The issues are so complex and the moral and ethical issues confusing, not to mention the spiritual ones. Please pray that God's Will will be done here on Earth as it is in heaven, and that our government will make righteous decisions. It is comforting to know that God is in control but he is looking for intercessors who will stand with him in the spiritual battle in which we are all embroiled, wherever we might live in this world. As we pray we must let the Holy Spirit lead us and intercede for us with groaning. Words are not always necessary.
Finally here are some of my photos from Machtesh Ramon. These photos are copyrighted and please do not use them without my permission.
Nubian ibex - the patriarch |
A porcupine enjoying the sun |
Fat sand rats |
The floor of the Maktesh |
The Maktesh from the rim |
Nubian ibex grazing at the spring |
Ibex watching me from a safe height |
A female wheatear checking me out |
Arabian babbler |