Sunday, June 24, 2018

Whatever is Lovely

The Red Sea at sunset - from Dolphin Reef, Eilat
Photo: Talia Good

This week has been 'fairly uneventful' in Israel - just the usual acts of terror, incendiary kites, fires and trouble on the borders, bombing raids, corruption scandals and what seems like the daily inching towards inevitable war. How sad it is that it seems like an 'uneventful week'. How quickly one becomes accustomed to terrible things. Yet it takes its toll. I think every resident of Israel, Jew, Arab or other, suffers from some degree of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), only it is not 'post' trauma but rather continuing, ongoing, seemingly never-ending trauma. It is easy to slump into despair and sadness. Sometimes I feel like that 'Fiddler on the Roof' trying to keep my balance. 
The writer of the book of Philippians also lived in desperate times full of violence and sadness, but he had an antidote to sadness, as we all do if we walk with God. There is still much of beauty and loveliness in the world if we turn off the news broadcasts, and take time to seek it out. 
 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4: 4-9
Some years ago I was invited to speak at a conference of Ethiopian believers. Right up to just a few hours before it began I still had no inkling about what I would say. In one last desperate attempt to hear from the LORD, I got on my knees and after a short time found myself laughing and crying all at once. Just as well I was in the privacy of my bedroom at the time or perhaps someone in a white coat might have locked me up! However, I soon realized this was my message. Surely this is the heart of God. When he looks upon the works of his Creation he must cry for the darkness, the evil and the destruction which we have brought upon it by our sin, but he must also laugh with joy over those who have accepted his redemption gift. My Ethiopian brothers and sisters were going through a terrible trial. Many had just arrived in the country after a horrendous journey through Sudan on foot during which many died and others, many of whom were family members, were captured and still held in Sudanese prisons in terrible conditions with little hope of rescue. There were many tears at that conference but the Lord had me speak about the laughter and joy that we can still experience even in the midst of the worst suffering. We too can cry and laugh at the same time, if we have the heart of God. We can keep our balance 'on the roof' if we consciously look with a thankful heart on the good, the beautiful and the pure things around us. 
At the Dolphin Reef where you can come to swim with wild free dolphins 

One of Eilat's lovely beaches

This week the gardeners finished (almost) the work of landscaping my garden. No longer an overgrown, weed chocked 'wasteland' it is now a beautiful corner of rest and restoration. As soon as the flowers were planted several different varieties of butterflies arrived.  I was filled with thanksgiving to the God who had made the flowers and the butterflies, for my landlord and friend who had paid for the work, and the gardeners who had worked so hard and skillfully to create this beautiful space. Here is a picture of part of the almost-finished garden - they still have to stain the deck. 

Last week I took myself off for a little holiday, to get away from it all, down in Eilat. For three short days I played the tourist - lounging on the beach, eating in restaurants, sharing fellowship with a good friend who lives there, and enjoying the beauty of the desert and the Red Sea. It was very refreshing and I felt a little more balanced when I returned. I had gazed on things that are lovely and saw God. 
Some of the animals I saw at the Hai Bar Reserve where they breed near-extinct animals, some of which they have already successfully released back into the wild. 
Dorcas gazelle

A herd of  white oryx

A really mean ostrich lady who tried to eat my camera


Somali wild ass 
You may be wondering what has in fact been happening in Israel whilst I have been lounging on the beach.  So here is a brief summary of events:
1. The 'war of the kites' continues and we are now averaging between 15-20 fires per day in the vicinity of the Gaza border. The terrorists are now using balloons instead of kites as they fly further into Israeli territory carried by the sea breezes. Last Sunday alone some 20 fires were started by incendiary kites or balloons and hundreds of turkeys in a coop in a kibbutz died from smoke inhalation (1). The IDF has modified equipment designed to detect drones so that it can now detect incendiary kites and balloons, they have also begun firing warning shots over those preparing to launch such devices. Shortly after midnight on Tuesday the IDF attacked three military installations of Hamas and in response Hamas launched a barrage of 45 rockets and mortars towards communities in Israel. No one was injured but damage was sustained. Residents in the area spent the night in their bomb shelters. The following day, Wednesday Israel attacked 25 Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip (2). 
Police sapper handling a mortar shell near a nursery in the Eshkol Regional Council (Photo: Eshkol Security)
A police sapper handling a mortar shell that had landed beside a kindergarten (Photo: Eshkol Security),7340,L-5292044,00.html
Beehives on fire (Photo: Nature and Parks Authority)
Beehives on fire (Photo: Nature and Parks Authority),7340,L-5292044,00.html
On Monday six Gazan terrorists attempted to infiltrate Israel but were stopped by IDF booby traps. Five were injured and one killed. The IDF has studded the security fence with booby traps in order to deter the upsurge in infiltration attempts and the sabotaging of security installations and equipment which has occurred since the beginning of the "March of Return" which began some two months ago (4). 
All this terror activity is costing Israel a great deal. Apart from the loss of crops and farm equipment and stock, damage to nature reserves and the environment caused by fires, Israel is currently constructing a security wall designed to prevent tunneling under the border. This wall will cost around 3.34 billion shekels. A marine barrier is also being constructed to prevent infiltration from the sea. The damage to wildlife and the natural systems of the area is incalculable.  

Reptiles fall victim to fires (Photo: Nature and Parks Authority)
Reptiles fall victim to fires (Photo: Nature and Parks Authority),7340,L-5288946,00.html
2. Last Sunday the  Shin Bet, IDF and Israel police foiled a cell of some 20 Hamas terrorists, based in Nablus (in the West Bank), which was preparing to carry out a suicide bombing in Jerusalem, remotely bomb targets in Tel Aviv and attack the settlement of Itamar and carry out shooting attacks elsewhere in the West Bank (4) .  Since January this year, the security forces have similarly foiled around 250 significant terror plots and arrested some 400 individuals planning isolated terror attacks (5).
3. This week Sarah, wife of Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was indicted for corruption charges. Mrs Netanyhu is suspected of ordering private meals from high-end restaurants and having the State foot the bill of some 350,000 shekels ($US96,000). This is just the latest of attempts to convict the Netanyahu family for corruption. Although I am all in favor of stamping out corruption this latest episode all seems rather politically motivated to me and nit-picky given what the Netanyahu family has given to the State over a long time period. 
4. All eyes are glued to television sets as the Mondiale Football (Soccer) World Cup matches are played. Last week Israelis were disappointed when the Argentinian team, with their star player, Messi, cancelled a pre-Mondial friendly match here in Jerusalem after the players and their families received threats from Palestinian sources. Although I understand their fear the cancellation of the match is being seen as a great victory by the Palestinians and the BDS movement. It is also bound to impact Israel's hope of holding the next Eurovision Song Contest in Jerusalem. 
 The heart-wrenching photo of the mother with the dead child.
5. Do you remember the little Gazan baby who was 'killed by tear gas inhalation' during one of the March of Return protests? Of course this 'incident' hit the world's media headlines with Israel being made to appear monstrous.  This is the headline as it appeared in the British  Independent online paper:

Gaza protests: Eight-month-old Palestinian baby 'dies from tear gas inhalation' after ‘massacre’ at border
This week Israel captured one of the baby's cousins trying to infiltrate Israel and, during interrogation, he admitted that the girl had died of natural causes and the family had been paid 8000 Israeli shekels ($US2,200) to say the child had died of tear gas inhalation at the border riots (6). This is just one exposure of the way that Hamas and other Palestinian sources are manipulating the media and 'massaging' the facts in their continuing propaganda war against Israel. 
6. On Tuesday 'someone' carried out an airstrike in a town near the Iraqi border in Syria. Fifty pro-regime fighters, including 20 members of an Iranian-backed Iraqi paramilitary group, were killed. Syrian forces and Iraqi forces blamed the US-led coalition for the forces but an anonymous US official pointed the finger at Israel. Israel has declined to admit or deny its involvement. If it was Israel it is a departure from its activities up to now which have targeted Iranian and Hezbollah military sites near to the Israeli border. On Sunday last week Netanyahu, however, did tell the Cabinet that Israel was “taking action — against efforts to establish a military presence by Iran and its proxies in Syria both close to the border and deep inside Syria. We will act against these efforts anywhere in Syria." (7). Whatever the case this attack represents a further increase in tensions between Israel and Iran. 

I will end with the reminder that though it is good to be informed of things happening in Israel and the world around us, we need to always be careful to keep our balance. Take a moment to give thanks for the beauty and goodness that remains in spite of all Satan's efforts to wreak destruction. 
 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 








Monday, June 11, 2018


 If fire breaks out and catches in thorns, so that stacked grain, standing grain, or the field is consumed, he who kindled the fire shall surely make restitution.

Exodus 22:6

Illustrative: Firefighters extinguish a fire in a wheat field caused by kites flown by Palestinians from the Gaza Strip into Israel, May 30, 2018. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

 Firefighters extinguish a fire in a wheat field caused by kites flown by Palestinians from the Gaza Strip into Israel, May 30, 2018. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Summer has arrived in Israel and with it begins the 'fire season' as vegetation dries out and temperatures soar. This year though the fire season has an added danger, terrorists sending kites carrying incendiary devices over the border into Israel from Gaza.  As of 3 days ago, some 600 incendiary kites had been released. Of these some 400 had been intercepted by IDF drones but 200 had ignited fires in Israel, burning some 9,000 dunams (2,200 acres or 900 hectares) of ripe wheatfields and nature reserves. Since then we have been averaging an additional 10 fires a day caused by kites. On Saturday (9th June) 15 new fires were ignited. 
The aftermath - burned out area near Or Haner June 3, 2018  Credit:Eliyahu Hershkovitz!/image/3191617438.jpg_gen/derivatives/fullscreen_1406xAuto/3191617438.jpg
The damage to agriculture alone was estimated at 1.4 million US dollars a few days ago and this is rising each day (1).  Prime Minister Netanyahu has announced plans to use Palestinian Authority funds for reparations to farmers who have lost crops and equipment, and today (11/06) the Knesset passed this resolution.  The real cost however is much greater, in terms of the cost of firefighting teams and equipment, including fire retardant-dropping planes, and the damage to wildlife and vegetation, air pollution and soil damage. It seems to me significant that Palestinians who want to claim a right to the Land, have so little respect for its welfare. 

The IDF is trying to develop means to fight this new threat and is sending drones to cut the strings of the kites (2). This has met with some success but with such a large number of kites, the strong west winds and the high temperatures, they cannot stop this wave of terror completely. It appears that Japan, in an act of kindness to the Gazan children, sent them thousands of kites, but these same children have converted these toys into weapons, and are now manufacturing their own. 

Below is a map of the fires as of 6th June. Click on full page icon and enlarge to see the full number of fires recorded.

Yesterday a new weapon was introduced into the melee - helium-filled balloons carrying explosive devices.  It seems like we are in a kind of arms race with the Gazan Palestinians. As soon as we develop the means to counter one kind of terrorism they dream up another. 

To counter the tunnel phenomenon, Israel developed technology to detect and destroy underground tunnels and also is constructing a  tunnel-proof fence along the border.  Having solved land-based tunnel problem now we are facing tunnels in the sea. It was announced this past week that on June 3, in the first such operation,  the IDF destroyed a marine tunnel, which would have enabled specially trained elite Hamas commandos to enter the sea in Gaza undetected and swim underwater using advanced, hard-to-detect bubble-free equipment, to carry out attacks in Israel. Since the last major Gaza confrontation, Hamas has invested much effort into training and equipping a large naval commando unit of frogmen with the intention, not only of attacking Israel from the sea but also threatening Israel's naval and marine installations, including its offshore gas drilling platforms. The IDF is aware of this new threat and claims there may well be other such tunnels along the Gazan coast. Israel is also in the process of constructing a marine barrier between Gaza and Israel. 

As I am writing I am thinking of Isaiah 54 which speaks of the end-time restoration of Israel:

In righteousness you will be established:
Tyranny will be far from you;
    you will have nothing to fear.
Terror will be far removed;
    it will not come near you.
If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing;
    whoever attacks you will surrender to you...

  no weapon forged against you will prevail,
    and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
    and this is their vindication from me,”
declares the Lord.

 Isaiah 54: 14,17

Someone sent me this song, "Lo Efahed" (I will not be afraid) which I think is very powerful and largely embodies the atmosphere in Israel today, a mood of determination and strength.  It is in Hebrew but has the English translation in subtitles. Take a few minutes to listen:  

The more traditional forms of terror have not passed out of the picture either. Today an 18 year old girl, on her way to sit her matriculation exam in citizenship, was stabbed and seriously injured by a Palestinian terrorist in the town of Afula, in the Galilee. Yesterday an explosive device was found and disarmed at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. 

The Palestinian propaganda war, nicknamed Pallywood here, is of course in full swing, and  many, especially in Western nations, are buying into their lies and distortions, and the BDS movement is gaining strength worldwide. This week the  Argentinian football team canceled a friendly match that was to have taken place this past Saturday in Jerusalem. While Palestinian protestors claimed the cancellation was an act of identification with and sympathy for the Palestinians, the real truth is that star player Messi and his wife had received threats to their safety (3). This act is adding flame to the already-spreading fire of opposition to the hosting of next year's  European Song Contest in Israel, which is our right after our representative, Nessa Barzilai, won the contest this year.  The BDS may win these small battles but in the end truth will win and Israel will be vindicated:

"and you will refute every tongue that accuses you."
Isaiah 54:17

Meanwhile, what is happening in the north?  Now that Syrian President Assad's forces have recaptured the last enclave of rebels in Damascus the focus has shifted to the southern region where rebels and ISIS still control the area adjacent to Israel's border (see the map below). Israel has been carrying out ongoing talks with Russia about the situation, in which Israel has made it clear that, though it will accept Assad's forces securing that area, it will not tolerate Iranian or Hezbollah presence close to our border, and it appears that Russia agrees. Following talks between Israel and Russia, it was reported that " the sides (Russia and Israel) agreed it was necessary to remove Iranian forces from southern Syria and allow Israel to freely attack targets it deems a threat – on the condition that these are not sites tied to the regime of Bashar Assad, which Russia supports" (5). Syria and Iran of course are claiming that no such agreement was made. Syria's President Assad, is even claiming that there are no Iranian military personnel in Syria, which is just absurd since Iran has admitted to it. Adding to the absurdity of it all, there are reports that Iranian soldiers are donning the uniforms of the Syrian military to give the impression that there are no Iranians there. How stupid do they think we are? However do not underestimate the power of propaganda. We are living in a period in which the concept of objective or absolute Truth has disappeared and truth has become something fluid and pragmatic. People will believe what they want to believe.

BDS may be gaining ground but on the other hand, we still have many friends around the world.  This past week an estimated two million evangelical Christians participated in a march during which they expressed support and prayed for Israel (6). More and more Israelis are expressing their appreciation for the support of Christians. This is a powerful witness to them and I pray that more Christians will stand up and be counted, so that effect the centuries of persecution against Jews can be softened and Jewish hearts opened to the message of Yeshua. 

 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.  Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 
John 3:16 - 18

1.,7340,L-5278488,00.html  fire kites