Friday, August 18, 2017


The verse that has been reverberating in my head all week is this one:

 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

It's a well-known verse and one I memorized soon after I became a believer 46 years ago. We often quote this verse to one another, but do we really believe it? When things go wrong in our lives, when trouble strikes, it is sometimes hard to take this verse at face value. Is this really happening for my good? How can that be? Yet, that is what the Word of the Lord says. 

In the days of the Second Intifada (2000 - 2008), when suicide bombings were an almost everyday occurrence, we rose in the morning not knowing if we would survive the day. Every night when I made it safely home again, I gave thanks for having got through another day alive.  I also remember that during that time there were many, many accounts of people being saved from injury or death because something went wrong, a puncture or a traffic jam for example. There were so many such stories it made quite an impact on my life. Now when things go wrong, I thank the Lord and am much less likely to get irritated and angry. I just think, perhaps this is from the Lord, perhaps he is protecting me from something much worse, or perhaps it is for the sake of someone else.  

It may seem a bit arrogant or self-centered to claim that God works every circumstance so that it is for my good, but what an amazing God we have that he can do that for all his children, simultaneously everywhere.  But what of the times when He doesn't save us. There were believers who died in the Intifada after all. Bad things do happen to even the LORD's  most devoted followers - disease, accidents, and all kinds of loss. I don't have an answer for that except faith- faith that even the 'worst' is part of God's working things out for our good.  The LORD took from Job everything he loved, his family, his wealth and livelihood, and finally his health. God did not tell Job why, but simply confronted Job with His awesome majesty and power. Job eventually had to just bow down to God's Will in humility. In the end, that is all we can do. There are times when we are forced to choose between despair and faith. 

A few days ago I experienced a relatively minor 'trouble' in which God demonstrated his working out of things for good. I had to go to the main post office in town, and at the central bus station I boarded the number 74 bus, that should have taken me to the post office in about 10 minutes.  It was quite some time afterwards that I came to the realization that I was on the right number bus but going in the wrong direction, and I ended up right across the wrong side of town. I wasn't best pleased with myself for this silly error,  but I got off, crossed the road and waited for a bus going the other way. In a few minutes one turned up and, as the driver pulled up to the stop, the front of the bus went up over the footpath right where a little toddler was standing. He would have been struck by the bus and injured had I not been there to pull him to safety.  On my way back across town it dawned on me that perhaps God had allowed me to make that albeit time-consuming and inconvenient mistake just so I would be in the right place at the right time to save that little boy! 

Some days later my faith was once more put to the test. My neighbor's dog chased my cat up a tree. My cat has until recently only lived indoors and though he knows how to climb up trees, he has no idea how to climb down again. He was up there for two whole nights and one very hot day,  but he just went higher and higher, until he was in the very topmost branches of a cypress tree about the equivalent of 4-5 storeys high. I eventually found a professional animal rescuer who, after a 2 hour rescue effort and no little risk to his own life, managed to get both himself and the cat down safely. He said it was the most difficult rescue he had ever done and that it was a miracle that he had succeeded. I told him that I was not surprised as I had been standing below praying fervently the whole time.  I don't know for sure but I hope that will have at least sown a small seed in that man's life, and he will draw closer to God as a result.  It was something of a traumatic experience for me and it is not over as now I am very afraid it will happen again. Today I let the cat out once more but it is with a lot of anxiety. I guess the Lord is stretching my faith muscle through all this, once again. 

Cat rescue

 In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love.
1 Peter 1: 6-8

I thank God that living in Israel there are plenty of opportunities to grow in faith.  We live in constant physical danger, and have to deal with many emotional trials and spiritual attacks. We cannot let our guard down one instant. The Enemy is prowling around constantly looking for our weak spots.  This is especially true here in the Jerusalem area where the main focus of spiritual warfare lies. Please pray for the growth of faith, and for physical and spiritual protection, for all the Believers here, especially the spiritually immature. Many of the local Believers, especially those in leadership,  are going through fiery trials at the present time, struggling with serious illnesses or other very difficult situations. 

I am pleased to say that in the 30 + years I have lived here in Israel there has been tremendous growth both in numbers and maturity in the Body of Yeshua here. There is still much to be done however. One of the weak areas is the lack of maturity in the local congregations. Many people do not see commitment to congregational life as being important and often hop from one congregation to another. Others are so involved with other ministries, or their work, that they have neither time nor energy to devote to the development of healthy congregational life. 

Our congregation is trying to create a stronger expression of our faith, by means of the establishment of cell groups, in which we can get to know each other in greater depth, support and encourage one another, study the Word together, and create an unthreatening environment to bring in those who are open to the gospel or who are new believers.

 It has been difficult to develop any cohesion amongst us because we are broadly scattered geographically, speak many different languages and have heavy commitments of time and energy outside of the congregation. It is hoped that geographically based groups can overcome these difficulties to some extent. We now have three cell groups operating, one in the city and two here in Mevasseret Zion, one for Portuguese speakers and one for English speakers. The latter was just started last week and will be meeting mainly in my home. 

 The congregation will also soon be starting a Bible Study Course for new believers or those who are interested, and I may be helping out with that too.  We are continuing our Friday afternoon combined meeting in Hebrew and now I am one of two who translate into English on a regular basis. We take turn about.  Recently our congregation has joined with the King of Kings group of cooperating congregations. This is also a step towards maturity and growth as we can share resources and giftings more efficiently, supporting and helping one another, whilst maintaining our independence and identity.  

Another sign of growth in the body is the establishment of a Messianic TV station called 'Yeshua Hai' (Jesus Lives)  Their application to broadcast on cable television was turned down but it is broadcasting online. Here is the link:  It broadcasts only in Hebrew and presents gospel movies, testimonies from local believers and teachings. It is relying on word of mouth to spread knowledge of its existence so please pass this information on to those who might be interested.  Pray that this station will be greatly used to spread the good news.

We also have a newsletter that goes out to all who wish to receive it by email. There are both Hebrew and English versions. Here is the latest issue  There are many articles of interest about Israel and about the Body of Messiah here in Israel. You can ask to have it sent to your inbox by writing to   

Another resource for information is the online magazine "Jerusalem Today". You can subscribe to it to receive online or paper issues.

There are many excellent ministries involving both foreign and local believers operating in the Land. One such is Ba'ad Hayim (Pro-Life), which reaches out to pregnant women and offers an alternative to abortion. To date, this organisation has saved the lives of some 2000 babies and provides practical and emotional support for their mothers. Last year Ba'ad Hayim received an award from the Israeli government for their "significant contribution to the protection of mothers and children." 

There are also many other ministries which support various groups such as believers in the armed forces, or those recently released from the armed forces, single mothers, and young people, or which distribute food, clothing, furniture and practical help to needy Israeli residents of all ethnic and religious groups. Yet other ministries are active in intercession,  worship and prayer. 

In this blog update I have concentrated on the needs of the Body of Yeshua here in the Land. It is good to pray about the security situation and other events that take place in Israel but it is ultimately more important to pray for the spread of the gospel so that the people of Israel today can find the true peace that passes all understanding, and eternal life. We also need strong local congregations to disciple and feed those who come to faith, or who are involved in the various ministries.  It is God's plan and desire to save the people of Israel, not just practically in returning them to the Land but also spiritually in returning them to the pure and true worship of their LORD God, the God of Israel, in Yeshua, the Messiah. 

I say then, have they (Israel) stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles.  Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!

 For I speak to you Gentiles; inasmuch as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, if by any means I may provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh and save some of them.  For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?...

 For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written:
“The Deliverer will come out of Zion,
And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob;

For this is My covenant with them,
When I take away their sins.”

Romans 11: 11-15, 25-27

Saturday, August 5, 2017


It is Thursday evening and I am sitting on the patio of my new home in the Judean hills, some 10km from Jerusalem. I am looking out onto a lovely green forested hillside and the gentle breeze is making that special susurration that only Jerusalem pines seem to make. The tensions and troubles of Jerusalem over the past weeks seem worlds away, but that is merely an illusion. 

The view from my home looking towards Jerusalem

Life in Jerusalem is returning to normal (whatever that is around here) after two weeks of tension and rioting, mainly around the Temple Mount area. It all began when three terrorists, who had brought guns onto the Temple Mount compound, opened fire and killed two Israeli policemen (see my previous blog). To prevent any further such attacks Israel imposed a temporary closure for Muslims wanting to pray at the Al Aksa Mosque, and set up metal detectors and security cameras at the entrance. This seemed like a reasonable response but the Muslim authorities did not see it that way, and once again accused Israel of changing the 'status quo'. The Waqf, the Muslim authority that controls the Temple Mount, forbade Muslims to pray at the Al Aksa Mosque and as a result, thousands gathered on the streets around the Old City to pray. This lead to a number of skirmishes and riots, and at least a thousand people were injured as a result. To me, it all seemed rather petty and childish to say the least.  After all metal detectors and surveillance cameras are a normal part of everyday life in Israel. To enter bus stations, train stations, supermarkets, shopping malls and many other places, including the Western Wall compound, one must pass through a metal detector and have one's bags searched. So why did the Muslim Waqf react so strongly to the installation of metal detectors there? All I can say is that there are elements who are just looking for any excuse to accuse Israel of 'changing the status quo' and threatening the Al Aksa Mosque. Actually, it was Muslims who changed the 'status quo' by bringing in arms and carrying out a terror attack at their own so-called 'holy site'. 

After two weeks of tensions and rioting, Israel finally removed the metal detectors and other security measures. The Waqf has allowed Muslims to once more at the Al Aksa Mosque and has declared victory.  In the Arab mind, Israel's removal of the metal detectors is not seen as a conciliatory move but rather one of weakness in the face of Islamic superiority. For this reason there has been much criticism here in Israel of the Government's handling of this affair. In this part of the world it is very dangerous to appear weak.

We should not be surprised by these events of the past few weeks. This is just one more skirmish in the ongoing battle for the Temple Mount.  Many Christians are uncomfortable with the idea of religious wars or 'holy' wars, but like it or not, we are all engaged in a serious spiritual war. 
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12

The Temple Mount is the place that God chose to be His special point of communication with mankind on Earth, and the place where his Name dwells. When Solomon dedicated the first Temple, God spoke to him saying, 

 For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that My name may be there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually.
2 Chronicles 7: 16 (my emphasis)

Solomon's Temple was eventually destroyed and later the Second Temple, which was constructed after the return from Babylon and restored in the time of Herod the Great, was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. The buildings may not currently exist but the site is still the place in which the Name of the LORD rests forever, perpetually.  You could say it is the center of God's kingdom here on Earth, the center of the spiritual world, and therefore the focus of the great battle for power between the LORD and Satan. 

It is therefore no wonder that the Enemy, Satan, is doing everything he can to destroy the connection of God with this place. Those of us who live here can certainly testify to the viciousness and the intensity of the spiritual war for Jerusalem, and especially for the Temple Mount. One of Satan's tactics was to engineer the rise of Islam, the Islamic conquest of the Holy Land, and the consequent building of the Dome of the Rock (pictured below) and the El Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount Site. This is a direct challenge and affront to the LORD God of Israel. I think the photo below tells it all. It shows Muslim men praying in the direction of Mecca. Note the direction of the 'rear ends' - they are pointing directly at the Dome of the Rock, which is believed to be the site where the Temples and the Holy of Holies once stood. In Arab culture it is also considered extremely disrespectful and insulting to point the sole of your foot towards another person. Not only are the 'rear ends' pointing towards the dwelling place of God's presence but so are the soles of their feet. Could they dishonor the LORD God more?

Muslims praying on the Temple Mount
 Islam is not the only weapon that Satan is using these days. Summer is in full swing here in Jerusalem, and it has been especially hot this year, with July temperatures reaching the mid to high 30s most days. The children are on vacation from school and there are many festivals and events taking place here in Jerusalem. This week the annual Gay Pride Parade took place in Jerusalem with record breaking numbers of at least 20,000 people taking part. 

In the Church and amongst believers today there is much confusion about homosexuality. We are living in a world in which there are strong pressures to accept homosexuality as being something normal and acceptable.  It is a very divisive issue and one which splits believers into opposing camps. We do not want to appear narrow-minded or judgemental, and as a consequence we are more and more falling into compromise on this issue. However what the Bible has to say about homosexuality is, in my opinion, quite clear: 

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.
Leviticus 18:22

The Hebrew word here translated as 'abomination' is תועבה (to'eva), which literally means 'something morally disgusting or abhorrent'. This word is used many times in Scripture and mostly to describe idol worship, the eating of unclean foods, intermarriage with idol worshippers, child sacrifice and witchcraft.  In Leviticus 20:13 it says " If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."  That is pretty clear! 

In the New Testament book of Romans homosexuality is described as the result of idolatry in which God gives people over to the degrading and unnatural act of homosexual sex, 

 Professing to be wise, they became fools,  and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,  who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
 Romans 1:22-27

I believe we who profess Yeshua as Lord need to receive and love all men and women, regardless of their sins, homosexuals included, but we need to be clear that in the community of believers there can be no compromise with sin, in whatever form it takes. For this reason, although I support the rights of the gay community to live in safety and without persecution, I find the prideful flaunting of this sin in the streets of the Holy City an abomination, and yet another demonstration of the lostness of the people of Israel in our generation. Many have turned away from the God of Israel and have turned to the modern forms of idolatry, including the worship of foreign gods of Hinduism and other religions, witchcraft and occult practices, materialistic and hedonistic humanism, and the worship of ourselves.  Consequently God has given many over to the 'lusts of the flesh' and 'vile passions' including homosexuality among other sinful sexual acts.  The people of Israel, like people everywhere, have a desperate need to hear the pure gospel of truth in Yeshua. 

My new home is in the town of Mevasseret Zion, which name translates to 'the preaching of the good news of Zion' or 'the herald of the good news of Zion'. My neighborhood, although known colloquially as the Castel, is officially called Maoz Tsur, the stronghold of rock, or as it is often translated into English 'the Rock of Ages' understood by Christians to be a reference to the Messiah, Yeshua.  We are located at the western entrance to Jerusalem in the hills of Judea, the inheritance of the Tribe of Judah.  I think these place names have deep spiritual significance and I pray that from here the gospel will go up to Jerusalem and from Jerusalem to all the world. Our congregation has already established a thriving cell group here in Mevasseret and this week we will be starting another, which will, initially anyway, be meeting in my home.  Please pray for us as we work to establish a 'stronghold of rock' and proclaim the good news of Yeshua here at the entrance to Jerusalem.