The nations have sunk down in the pit which they made;
In the net which they hid, their own foot is caught.
The Lord is known by the judgment He executes;
The wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.
In the net which they hid, their own foot is caught.
The Lord is known by the judgment He executes;
The wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.
The wicked shall be turned into hell,
And all the nations that forget God.
And all the nations that forget God.
Psalm 9: 15 - 17
It has been quite a while since I updated my blog and during that time some momentous events have occurred. It is hard to know where to start, but I will try.
Paris Peace Conference - a "Damp Squib"
On the 15th of January the so-called Paris Peace Conference took place with representatives of around 70 nations present. The intention was to exert pressure on both the Palestinians and the Israelis to return to negotiations promoting the 'two state solution' . Israel refused to participate in the conference and the Palestinians claim they were consequently 'un-invited'. Whatever the truth, the fact is the conference took place without the presence of the two main protagonists, and as a result the concluding statement was considerably watered down from the intended resolution. The full text of the statement can be read here http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.765207.
Many Christian believers both here and elsewhere entered into fervent prayer against this move, and it would seem that God heard our prayers. It appears to me that this conference achieved precisely nothing. The Al Jazeerah headline read " Paris peace conference: A damp squib" http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/01/paris-peace-conference-damp-squib-170115080656426.html and according to CNN, the Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, said it was "useless". http://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/15/middleeast/paris-peace-conference-israeli-palestinian-conflict/. Thank you to all who prayed about this. Men may make plans but God will always have the final say.
Ironically, even while the conference was going on in Paris, the Israelis and Palestinians were quietly working together to produce a major agreement to reinstate the Joint Water Committee and give the Palestinian Water Authority authorization to complete some 97 water distribution, storage and sewerage projects throughout the West Bank, aimed at improving the quality of life of the Palestinian population. This follows earlier agreements on electricity, water, mail and 3-G cell phone coverage. It also shows that Israel and the Palestinians can and do work together, contrary to image presented in much of the media. http://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Israel-gives-Pal-Authority-limited-water-autonomy-in-West-Bank-478672
Is the 'two-state' option still viable (if it ever was)? I think most Israelis now believe it is not possible nor desirable, yet an alternative is still yet to be found. Most also believe that the Palestinians have never wanted it in any case. They have, after all, never recognized the legitimate right of existence of the Israeli State, and repeatedly proclaim their desire to 'push the Zionist entity (Israel) into the sea'. They have turned down many opportunities to bring into existence a Palestinian State, holding out for always 'a better deal', one that would better promote their ultimate aim of destroying Israel. The issues are very complex, and both sides have issues on which they are not prepared to compromise, and consequently we have arrived at an impasse. For a summary of the situation read the article https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/dec/28/the-two-state-solution-in-the-middle-east-all-you-need-to-know. If you want to delve into this further I would recommend reading the series of excellently researched and expressed articles by Hannah Weiss https://kehilanews.com/2017/01/19/the-paris-peace-conference-deja-vu-part3/- on this page you will also find links to parts 1 and 2.
The oft-cited excuse for the failure of the 'two state solution' is the existence and growth of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, which Palestinians claim 'contravene International Law'. The Palestinian propaganda machine has successfully convinced many that this is the real issue, ignoring the fact that their rejection of a negotiated peace and their adoption of the tactic of terror long pre-dated Israel's settlement activities which only began after 1967. Also one must ask, what is International Law? It is no more than voluntary agreements made between countries, and enforcement exists only by consent of the parties:
Paris Peace Conference - a "Damp Squib"
On the 15th of January the so-called Paris Peace Conference took place with representatives of around 70 nations present. The intention was to exert pressure on both the Palestinians and the Israelis to return to negotiations promoting the 'two state solution' . Israel refused to participate in the conference and the Palestinians claim they were consequently 'un-invited'. Whatever the truth, the fact is the conference took place without the presence of the two main protagonists, and as a result the concluding statement was considerably watered down from the intended resolution. The full text of the statement can be read here http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.765207.
Many Christian believers both here and elsewhere entered into fervent prayer against this move, and it would seem that God heard our prayers. It appears to me that this conference achieved precisely nothing. The Al Jazeerah headline read " Paris peace conference: A damp squib" http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/01/paris-peace-conference-damp-squib-170115080656426.html and according to CNN, the Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, said it was "useless". http://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/15/middleeast/paris-peace-conference-israeli-palestinian-conflict/. Thank you to all who prayed about this. Men may make plans but God will always have the final say.
Why do the nations rage,
And the people plot a vain thing?...
And the people plot a vain thing?...
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
“Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.”
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
“Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.”
Psalm 2: 1, 4-6
Ironically, even while the conference was going on in Paris, the Israelis and Palestinians were quietly working together to produce a major agreement to reinstate the Joint Water Committee and give the Palestinian Water Authority authorization to complete some 97 water distribution, storage and sewerage projects throughout the West Bank, aimed at improving the quality of life of the Palestinian population. This follows earlier agreements on electricity, water, mail and 3-G cell phone coverage. It also shows that Israel and the Palestinians can and do work together, contrary to image presented in much of the media. http://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Israel-gives-Pal-Authority-limited-water-autonomy-in-West-Bank-478672
Is the 'two-state' option still viable (if it ever was)? I think most Israelis now believe it is not possible nor desirable, yet an alternative is still yet to be found. Most also believe that the Palestinians have never wanted it in any case. They have, after all, never recognized the legitimate right of existence of the Israeli State, and repeatedly proclaim their desire to 'push the Zionist entity (Israel) into the sea'. They have turned down many opportunities to bring into existence a Palestinian State, holding out for always 'a better deal', one that would better promote their ultimate aim of destroying Israel. The issues are very complex, and both sides have issues on which they are not prepared to compromise, and consequently we have arrived at an impasse. For a summary of the situation read the article https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/dec/28/the-two-state-solution-in-the-middle-east-all-you-need-to-know. If you want to delve into this further I would recommend reading the series of excellently researched and expressed articles by Hannah Weiss https://kehilanews.com/2017/01/19/the-paris-peace-conference-deja-vu-part3/- on this page you will also find links to parts 1 and 2.
The oft-cited excuse for the failure of the 'two state solution' is the existence and growth of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, which Palestinians claim 'contravene International Law'. The Palestinian propaganda machine has successfully convinced many that this is the real issue, ignoring the fact that their rejection of a negotiated peace and their adoption of the tactic of terror long pre-dated Israel's settlement activities which only began after 1967. Also one must ask, what is International Law? It is no more than voluntary agreements made between countries, and enforcement exists only by consent of the parties:
The immense body that makes up international law encompasses a piecemeal collection of international customs; agreements; treaties; accords, charters (i.e. the United Nations Charter); protocols; tribunals; memorandums; legal precedents of the International Court of Justice (aka World Court) and more. Without a unique governing, enforcing entity, international law is a largely voluntary endeavor, wherein the power of enforcement only exists when the parties consent to adhere to and abide by an agreement.
One of the articles that is often cited in the claim that Israel has acted contrary to International Law is the UN Charter article 2(4) which states;
All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
The United Nations was constituted after World War II with the intention of preventing any new wars precipitated by the occupation by force by any member nations. Israel has never attacked another country with intention to occupy or annex its territory. In 1948 and 1967 it was Israel that was attacked by its neighbors, and the occupation was a result of their aggression, not Israel's. Israel therefore did not contravene this article.
More Terror in Armon Hanatziv
At least twice a day I drive past the lookout point at the top of the Haas Tayelet (Promenade) on Yanovsky St in Armon Hanatziv, the neighbourhood of Jerusalem in which I live. From this lookout there are stunning views of the Old City and its surroundings, and each day it is visited by many busloads of tourists and locals. Groups of soldiers are also brought to this lookout to learn about the city of Jerusalem, its geography and history. On the 8th of January I had just driven down this road when only minutes later, a busload of IDF officer cadets arrived at the Tayelet and were gathering on the lawn beside their bus. Without warning a passing truck accelerated towards them, mounted the kerb and ran into the group. Not satisfied with that, the driver then reversed back over the fallen and injured soldiers. Four of the soldiers, three women and one man - were killed and 15 others injured, some very seriously. This attack was captured by surveillance cameras and you can see it on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LOHj4oIqo0/ (warning: content may be distressing).
The four soldiers killed were all in training to become officers in the IDF. These young people, all in their early twenties, were the crème de la crème of Israeli youth. Their names are, clockwise from top left, Lieutenant Yael Yekutiel (20), Second Lieutenant Shira Tzur (22), Lieutenant Shir Hajaj (22), and Second Lieutenant Erez Orbach (20). May their memories be blessed.
The driver of the truck was killed by bystanders. He was from the adjacent village of Jebel Mukaber, from which many of the terror attacks of the last 18 months have originated.
This brings to four the number of terror attacks involving fatalities over the last 18 months just in my neighborhood alone. Many other attacks were thwarted. Over the past few months there has been a drop in the number of successful terror attacks in Jerusalem, however that does not mean that our enemies have given up trying. Israel faces hundreds upon hundreds of planned attacks every year, but most of these are thwarted. The Shin Bet (Israel's equivalent to the FBI in US) foiled over 400 'significant' attacks in 2016, and this does not include the thousands of spontaneous or 'low level' attacks. http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/30831/Default.aspx
The Bedouin of the Negev
Another police officer, Sgt. Major Erez Levi (34) was killed on the 16th January during violent clashes in the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in southern Israel, when police and other security forces arrived in the village to carry out a demolition order against illegally constructed homes. The illegal settlement was being cleared in order to build a new Israeli town. Needless to say there was a lot of anger in the air and scuffles broke out between police and local Bedouin protesting the demolitions. Somehow in the midst of the tension a car driven by the head of a local school on his way to work, aroused the suspicion of police who opened fire and wounded the driver, who then ran down and killed Sgt Major Erez Levi. Whether it was an intentional attack or a tragic accident is still under investigation, but whatever the motivation two men are dead.
This tragedy has highlighted the intolerable situation of the Bedouin in the Negev, who number some 250,000 and at least a third of those are living in so-called illegal settlements in ramshackle shacks and tents, without power, water or sewerage treatment. Most of the children do not attend school.Their population is growing very fast because of their high birth rate. The driver of the car was the husband of 4 wives and the father of 25 children. The Bedouin of the Negev hold Israeli citizenship and have been loyal supporters of Israel. Many of them serve bravely and with distinction in the IDF and Israeli police, but incidents like this are changing all this. There is growing anger and dissatisfaction. Please pray that we will treat these friends of Israel with the respect, compassion and justice they deserve. I hope that out of all this Israel will work harder to meet their legitimate needs for housing, health care and education. You can read more about the Bedouins of the Negev on http://www.iataskforce.org/issues/view/2.
President Trump and The American Embassy
Two days ago Trump was sworn in as the President of the U.S.A. Trump is seen to be a true friend of Israel and Netanyahu and Trump are scheduled to meet already during the first week of February. This meeting is "expected to touch on big issues such as regional conflict, settlement construction, the Iranian nuclear deal, resumption of sanctions against the Islamic Republic and the issue of relocating the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The meeting will be crucial to the design of American government policy towards Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict". http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4910865,00.html
During his election campaign Trump promised to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem, and he seems anxious to do this as soon as possible. Today the incumbent Ambassador, David Friedman, announced his intention to reside in his own home in Jerusalem. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4910967,00.html Although this is not an official move it does seem to indicate an intention. Today Netanyahu and Trump spoke by phone and they entered only into the beginning stages of talks. However President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority and the King of Jordan, King Abdullah II, also met today and agreed to fight together against this move. Moving the Embassy to Jerusalem is tantamount to recognizing Jerusalem as the legitimate capital of Israel, and the political and security repercussions of such an act will likely be significant, and an increase in violence seems probable. Please cover this in prayer.
Judgment of the Nations
There seems to be an endless number of developments occurring, almost as fast as I can type, but I will end this update by reminding us all to pray fervently for our own nations. As I discussed in my previous blog nations will be judged according to the way they have treated Israel, the apple of God's eye. It has been brought to my attention that the 7.9 earthquake that struck New Zealand shortly after midnight on the 14th of November, took place just a few minutes after John Kerry and the then Prime Minister of New Zealand concluded the secret talks, in which they are presumed to have finalized plans for the submission of the resolution against Israel to the UN Security Council
http://i.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/86402437/US-Secretary-of-State-John-Kerry-meets-with-John-Key-in-Wellington-with-the-future-of-TPPA-on-the-line .
You may think this was just a curious co-incidence but a study of history will show that every nation that has risen up against Israel has been destroyed.
At least twice a day I drive past the lookout point at the top of the Haas Tayelet (Promenade) on Yanovsky St in Armon Hanatziv, the neighbourhood of Jerusalem in which I live. From this lookout there are stunning views of the Old City and its surroundings, and each day it is visited by many busloads of tourists and locals. Groups of soldiers are also brought to this lookout to learn about the city of Jerusalem, its geography and history. On the 8th of January I had just driven down this road when only minutes later, a busload of IDF officer cadets arrived at the Tayelet and were gathering on the lawn beside their bus. Without warning a passing truck accelerated towards them, mounted the kerb and ran into the group. Not satisfied with that, the driver then reversed back over the fallen and injured soldiers. Four of the soldiers, three women and one man - were killed and 15 others injured, some very seriously. This attack was captured by surveillance cameras and you can see it on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LOHj4oIqo0/ (warning: content may be distressing).
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Police remove bodies after the attack. The truck involved is in the background http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/2017/01/000_JP47S.jpg |
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https://www.all4israel.org/ |
The driver of the truck was killed by bystanders. He was from the adjacent village of Jebel Mukaber, from which many of the terror attacks of the last 18 months have originated.
This brings to four the number of terror attacks involving fatalities over the last 18 months just in my neighborhood alone. Many other attacks were thwarted. Over the past few months there has been a drop in the number of successful terror attacks in Jerusalem, however that does not mean that our enemies have given up trying. Israel faces hundreds upon hundreds of planned attacks every year, but most of these are thwarted. The Shin Bet (Israel's equivalent to the FBI in US) foiled over 400 'significant' attacks in 2016, and this does not include the thousands of spontaneous or 'low level' attacks. http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/30831/Default.aspx
The Bedouin of the Negev
Another police officer, Sgt. Major Erez Levi (34) was killed on the 16th January during violent clashes in the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in southern Israel, when police and other security forces arrived in the village to carry out a demolition order against illegally constructed homes. The illegal settlement was being cleared in order to build a new Israeli town. Needless to say there was a lot of anger in the air and scuffles broke out between police and local Bedouin protesting the demolitions. Somehow in the midst of the tension a car driven by the head of a local school on his way to work, aroused the suspicion of police who opened fire and wounded the driver, who then ran down and killed Sgt Major Erez Levi. Whether it was an intentional attack or a tragic accident is still under investigation, but whatever the motivation two men are dead.
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Police and Local Bedouin scuffle as illegal homes are demolished. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C2cT2IJXUAAls2T.jpg |
This tragedy has highlighted the intolerable situation of the Bedouin in the Negev, who number some 250,000 and at least a third of those are living in so-called illegal settlements in ramshackle shacks and tents, without power, water or sewerage treatment. Most of the children do not attend school.Their population is growing very fast because of their high birth rate. The driver of the car was the husband of 4 wives and the father of 25 children. The Bedouin of the Negev hold Israeli citizenship and have been loyal supporters of Israel. Many of them serve bravely and with distinction in the IDF and Israeli police, but incidents like this are changing all this. There is growing anger and dissatisfaction. Please pray that we will treat these friends of Israel with the respect, compassion and justice they deserve. I hope that out of all this Israel will work harder to meet their legitimate needs for housing, health care and education. You can read more about the Bedouins of the Negev on http://www.iataskforce.org/issues/view/2.
President Trump and The American Embassy
Two days ago Trump was sworn in as the President of the U.S.A. Trump is seen to be a true friend of Israel and Netanyahu and Trump are scheduled to meet already during the first week of February. This meeting is "expected to touch on big issues such as regional conflict, settlement construction, the Iranian nuclear deal, resumption of sanctions against the Islamic Republic and the issue of relocating the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The meeting will be crucial to the design of American government policy towards Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict". http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4910865,00.html
During his election campaign Trump promised to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem, and he seems anxious to do this as soon as possible. Today the incumbent Ambassador, David Friedman, announced his intention to reside in his own home in Jerusalem. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4910967,00.html Although this is not an official move it does seem to indicate an intention. Today Netanyahu and Trump spoke by phone and they entered only into the beginning stages of talks. However President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority and the King of Jordan, King Abdullah II, also met today and agreed to fight together against this move. Moving the Embassy to Jerusalem is tantamount to recognizing Jerusalem as the legitimate capital of Israel, and the political and security repercussions of such an act will likely be significant, and an increase in violence seems probable. Please cover this in prayer.
Judgment of the Nations
There seems to be an endless number of developments occurring, almost as fast as I can type, but I will end this update by reminding us all to pray fervently for our own nations. As I discussed in my previous blog nations will be judged according to the way they have treated Israel, the apple of God's eye. It has been brought to my attention that the 7.9 earthquake that struck New Zealand shortly after midnight on the 14th of November, took place just a few minutes after John Kerry and the then Prime Minister of New Zealand concluded the secret talks, in which they are presumed to have finalized plans for the submission of the resolution against Israel to the UN Security Council
http://i.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/86402437/US-Secretary-of-State-John-Kerry-meets-with-John-Key-in-Wellington-with-the-future-of-TPPA-on-the-line .
You may think this was just a curious co-incidence but a study of history will show that every nation that has risen up against Israel has been destroyed.
For behold, in those days and at that time,
When I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem,
I will also gather all nations,
And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat;
And I will enter into judgment with them there
On account of My people,
My heritage Israel,
Whom they have scattered among the nations;
They have also divided up My land…
Joel 3: 1-3, 12-21,