‘No longer will the people of Israel have malicious neighbors who are painful briers and sharp thorns. Then they will know that I am the Sovereign Lord.
“‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: When I gather the people of Israel from the nations where they have been scattered, I will be proved holy through them in the sight of the nations. Then they will live in their own land, which I gave to my servant Jacob. 26 They will live there in safety and will build houses and plant vineyards; they will live in safety when I inflict punishment on all their neighbors who maligned them. Then they will know that I am the Lord their God.’”
Ezekiel 28: 24-26 NIV
This week we here in Israel are celebrating the last of the annual cycle of Feasts, the Feast of Succot or Tabernacles ( Leviticus 23:33-43). This is a 7-8 day feast. The first and last day are 'sacred assemblies' on which 'customary work' is forbidden. During this holiday all who are Israelites are commanded to live in booths (succot) or tabernacles to remind us that for 40 years our ancestors lived in booths as they wandered the desert after God had brought them out of Egypt. Today few people actually live in succot, but most will eat at least one meal in a succah, and it is customary to invite friends and family to eat in one's succah.
This festival is also a celebration of the autumn harvest and a time to thank God for the good and fruitful land which He has given us. It is customary to wave an etrog (a kind of citrus fruit), and fronds of the date palm, myrtle and willow trees (which together are called the lulav).
This festival is also a celebration of the autumn harvest and a time to thank God for the good and fruitful land which He has given us. It is customary to wave an etrog (a kind of citrus fruit), and fronds of the date palm, myrtle and willow trees (which together are called the lulav).
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All of Israel's feasts are closely linked to the agricultural cycle of the seasons. This feast comes at the beginning of our short Autumn or Fall, which you might miss if you blink! So far there is little evidence that summer has ended as the temperatures remain in the 30's most days, even up here in Jerusalem. However the nights are drawing in, and the mornings are damp with mist and dew up here in the mountains of Judah.
Yesterday, Monday, was the first day that observant Jews begin to insert the prayer for rain into their services and it looked like we might have got a quick answer this year. On Sunday the thermometer hit 36 degrees here but, as evening approached, the air was very still and heavy and the sky was dark. A flock of swifts swirled over the forest like a black snowstorm, and I thought 'surely it will rain tonight'. Rain was forecast and the met. service warned of the risk of flash floods in the wadis. Hopes were high that the rainy season might just start on schedule this year, but it wasn't to be. We just got a few muddy drops here and I didn't hear of heavy rain falling anywhere. Please pray with us for abundant rains this winter, much needed to replenish our lakes, streams and underground aquifers that have been seriously depleted during the last five years of drought.
Yesterday, Monday, was the first day that observant Jews begin to insert the prayer for rain into their services and it looked like we might have got a quick answer this year. On Sunday the thermometer hit 36 degrees here but, as evening approached, the air was very still and heavy and the sky was dark. A flock of swifts swirled over the forest like a black snowstorm, and I thought 'surely it will rain tonight'. Rain was forecast and the met. service warned of the risk of flash floods in the wadis. Hopes were high that the rainy season might just start on schedule this year, but it wasn't to be. We just got a few muddy drops here and I didn't hear of heavy rain falling anywhere. Please pray with us for abundant rains this winter, much needed to replenish our lakes, streams and underground aquifers that have been seriously depleted during the last five years of drought.
Last week my congregation went for a 3-day retreat in Migdal (where Mary Madalena came from) on the shores of the Sea of Galilee (the Kinneret). On the last day I joined a group and we went swimming in the Lake. It was lovely and refreshing, but rather like swimming in pea soup as we stirred up the bottom mud which swirled amongst the greenish end-of-summer algal bloom.
While many Israelis are taking their annual holidays and enjoying the Feast, the world stumbles on with all its tragedies and traumas.
Russian plane downed by Syrian anti-aircraft missiles
On Monday the 17th of this month a Russian surveillance aircraft was accidentally shot down by Syrian President Assad's forces, killing all 15 Russian personnel aboard (1). Immediately Russia placed the blame on Israel which they claimed was carrying out attacks in the area and hadn't given them sufficient warning. The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Major General Igor Konashenkov, claimed that "The Israeli pilots were using the Russian aircraft as a shield and pushed it into the line of fire of the Syrian defense" (2). I am not sure how a tiny F-16 fighter jet could 'push' a large II-20 surveillance aircraft! Although the first reports from Russian sources claimed that rockets were fired from a French frigate, the Auvergne, in the Mediterranean, the French have denied any involvement. Syria has since admitted that it fired the missiles that downed the Russian plane, ironically using a Russian-made missile system supplied by Moscow to its Syrian ally.
According to standing policy Israel initially refused to comment but on Tuesday the IDF Spokesman, Brigadier- General, Ronen Manelis, admitted that the IDF had struck a Syrian military facility "from which systems to manufacture accurate and lethal weapons were about to be transferred from Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon". This is in keeping with Israel's clearly stated policy that it will not allow Iran to establish a military presence in Syria. Over the last 18 months Israel has attacked more than 200 Iranian targets in Syria (3).
Although attacks had been carried out by Israeli aircraft in the area the Israeli Air Force claims that all Israeli aircraft had returned to Israeli airspace before the Russian plane had been shot down, and furthermore that the Russian plane had been far from the area of the Israeli airstrikes during the operation (4). According to the IDF spokesman, "The Syrian anti-aircraft batteries fired indiscriminately and, from what we understand, did not bother to ensure that no Russian planes were in the air. The extensive and inaccurate Syrian anti-aircraft missile fire caused the Russian plane to be hit” (3).
Over the past week there has been a flurry of diplomatic efforts to calm the situation and this has resulted in a cooling of the Russian rhetoric against Israel, but it has not stopped Russia from carrying out its threat to make Israel pay the price. Already Russia has begun supplying an upgraded S-300 missile system to Syria (5). This system is much more accurate than that previously supplied and is intended to prevent any more accidents, but it also poses a much greater threat to Israeli aircraft carrying out operations in Syria. This is a significant game changer and complicates Israel's efforts to stop Iran's military build-up in the area.
This whole incident has highlighted the fragility and complexity of the situation in Syria. Multiple countries are currently carrying out military operations in the area with forces on the ground and carrying out airstrikes from the sea. In some cases these forces are backing opposing sides in the military conflict. Hotlines are in place between these countries but there is still a high risk that inadvertent accidents like this one could occur again (6).
There is one question no one seems to be asking about all this. Russia moved into the region three years ago to assist Assad's forces to retake his country from rebel militias and Jihadist groups including ISIS. This has largely been accomplished now, so why is Russia still here???? Perhaps its time for the Russians to go home? That is unlikely to happen as Russia seems to be intent on consolidating its influence in the Middle East, and this is a golden opportunity to do just that.
It is significant that it was Russia, Turkey and Iran that negotiated an agreement to prevent an all-out Syrian offensive in the province of Idlib. This is a tremendous relief for the people living there of course, but indicative of who really wields the power in the Middle East today. Under the agreement, Turkey and Russia will set up and patrol a 15-20km deep demilitarized zone around Idlib by October 15th, but this requires the cooperation of the various rebel militias and already some are refusing to withdraw or give up their arms. Syria is also reserving the right to attack 'if necessary'. Keep praying for the safety of the civilian population in Idlib and pray that the various militias will be willing to lay down their arms and evacuate from the area.
It is significant that it was Russia, Turkey and Iran that negotiated an agreement to prevent an all-out Syrian offensive in the province of Idlib. This is a tremendous relief for the people living there of course, but indicative of who really wields the power in the Middle East today. Under the agreement, Turkey and Russia will set up and patrol a 15-20km deep demilitarized zone around Idlib by October 15th, but this requires the cooperation of the various rebel militias and already some are refusing to withdraw or give up their arms. Syria is also reserving the right to attack 'if necessary'. Keep praying for the safety of the civilian population in Idlib and pray that the various militias will be willing to lay down their arms and evacuate from the area.
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The proposed demilitarized zone around Idlib. Green = Idlib province, Yellow-green area patrolled by Turkey, and Orange - area patrolled by Russia. https://nedaa-sy/ |
On the 22nd September, a military parade in the southern city of Arvhas in Iran was attacked by armed gunmen. As a result, 25 Iranian Republican Guards and civilians were killed. Immediately Iran blamed the USA and Israel (yes, we get blamed for everything that happens in the Middle East) and threatened serious retaliation, but shortly afterward ISIS claimed responsibility. Yesterday Iranian Republican Guards said they fired six missiles into Sunni Islamic extremist hideouts in eastern Syria (7). The missiles carried the message "Death to the USA, Death to Israel, Death to Al Saud" (Saudi Arabia) etched on their sides.
Now for some light relief!
Now for some light relief! |
This billboard was erected in the southern city of Shiraz in Iran, to commemorate the end of the Iran-Iraq war in Sacred Defense Week. The only problem was that it had been photoshopped and actually showed three Israeli soldiers (the fourth soldier, a woman, had been erased from the original photo). Of course, the billboard was immediately removed once the error was discovered (8). How hilarious is that!!!!! Not so funny though for the three who have been arrested for this terrible mistake. I sure would not want to be in their shoes.
This last Friday saw an upsurge in the ongoing "March of Return" along the Gaza border. Some 20,000 Palestinians mobbed the border fence, breaking it down in several places, and hurling at least a hundred bombs and grenades at the Israeli soldiers trying to prevent an incursion. Seven Palestinians were killed, including two teenage boys, and around 500 injured. No Israelis were seriously injured.
Before you accuse Israel of using 'excessive force' resulting in a high number of Palestinians being killed and wounded, imagine if it was your home they were trying to reach. Look at this video and imagine it happening on YOUR doorstep:
After something of a lull in which incendiary attacks had diminished to just (!) 3-5 per day they have now increased to an average of around 12 again. Yesterday, Monday, an incendiary device was found in the city of Modiin, some 70 km from Gaza 'as the crow (balloon?) flies'. At least two have also landed in Jerusalem in recent weeks. This reflects the increasing sophistication of the balloons, using multiple balloons and inflated condoms (yes, you read that right), which can fly further. Another 'improvement' in the effectiveness of these attacks was also seen this week as some balloons were discovered to be carrying explosive devices, which complicate firefighting and recovery. It also increases the risk to citizens and especially children who might approach such a device.
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Preparing condoms as incendiary devices |
Israeli analysts are saying that since there is no hope of a ceasefire agreement being reached, Hamas is once more encouraging, or at least not restraining, the border riots and is preparing for another round of aggression against Israel. The IDF has issued a warning to southern communities prepare for such an escalation (9).
If you are wondering why it is impossible for Israel to achieve peace with the Palestinians, take a look at these videos.
A whole generation is being brainwashed to hate Israelis and all Jews, to believe lies, and to aspire to become shahids (martyrs) for the cause of Jihad (world domination by Islam). How can we make peace with such people- a people who abuse their own children in such a way, and celebrate when they become martyrs? How can all this horrific child abuse be healed? I believe it will only happen when the Messiah comes to heal and establish peace in all peoples, Palestinians and Israelis together, along with all the world. Until then we need to keep praying.
I was just reading in Ezekiel 37 how God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones. God wanted Ezekiel to participate with Him in the working out of this prophecy. Ezekiels words had power to make these visions become reality. I believe we who believe in Yeshua also have this calling. Pray that the bones, which are already being gathered and given physical tendons and muscles, will also soon be granted the Breath of Life in the Spirit of God.
ReferencesIf you are wondering why it is impossible for Israel to achieve peace with the Palestinians, take a look at these videos.
A whole generation is being brainwashed to hate Israelis and all Jews, to believe lies, and to aspire to become shahids (martyrs) for the cause of Jihad (world domination by Islam). How can we make peace with such people- a people who abuse their own children in such a way, and celebrate when they become martyrs? How can all this horrific child abuse be healed? I believe it will only happen when the Messiah comes to heal and establish peace in all peoples, Palestinians and Israelis together, along with all the world. Until then we need to keep praying.
I was just reading in Ezekiel 37 how God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones. God wanted Ezekiel to participate with Him in the working out of this prophecy. Ezekiels words had power to make these visions become reality. I believe we who believe in Yeshua also have this calling. Pray that the bones, which are already being gathered and given physical tendons and muscles, will also soon be granted the Breath of Life in the Spirit of God.
Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army. Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel.
Ezekiel 37: 9-11
Please pray for the people of the Middle East, Jew and Arab alike. Your prayers too have the prophetic power to cause these promises to come to pass.
Pray too for the Body of Yeshua here in Israel. We live at the very epicenter of the spiritual warfare that is taking place, and many are coming under severe spiritual attack. There are many who are seriously ill, some have died recently, some are suffering exhaustion and 'burnout', others are facing marital breakups and still others are being denied citizenship or being made to leave the country. My landlords and friends just last night had their car stolen for the 4th time, from just in front of our house. I have never before seen a level of attack such as we are experiencing now. This is not surprising for I feel we are drawing close to the great battle for Jerusalem (Zechariah 12). The Enemy is pulling out all the stops - he has nothing to lose now and will try everything to prevent the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth. We cannot stand here without your support in prayer.,7340,L-5353126,00.html